The Rebirth of Primordial Playground

Dear Primordial tribe,
I am so thankful for all of the support that you have given me over the years. I have been maintaining now for over 5 years. In that time I have tried my best to share inspiring and though-provoking articles aimed at enriching your lives.
The idea for Primordial Playground began with my strong desire for freedom of movement. It is the vision that physical and mental training can transform our lives and awaken our best selves. My desire to share this vision ached for a voice, an expression.
Over the years I have worked hard to breathe life into the vision of Primordial Playground and share it. Since June of 2015, my wife Dayna and I have been on a journey around the U.S. and world. It is a lifestyle experiment. By getting rid of most of our possessions and simplifying our life, we are learning and implementing how to live closer to the present moment. Not only have we been able to provide space for the opportunity to work on a few projects we’ve had on the back-burner, but it’s also allowed us freedom to deepen our personal research into movement. If you’ve been following us thus far, we’ve had a pretty epic adventure – and it’s far from over!
I also just finished writing my second book. My first book, The 365-Day Superhuman is a journal for people who want to record their individual journeys into movement-based fitness. If you haven’t picked up a copy, click the link here and start tracking your training now.
My upcoming book, War of Self, is about discovering the infinite power that lies within each and every one of us. In this book you will learn the seven fundamental skills to help you expand your potential and master your destiny. It is currently in its final edits and should be available in both print and Kindle on Amazon Spring of ’16.

All in all, I am very excited and I hope you all will continue with me on this new adventure. For updates, subscribe to Primordial Playground’s newsletter on the front page. Also, visit our websiteFacebook, Twitter and Instagram social media pages.