Goal Setting Formula – Primordial Playground

What do you want to be able to do with your body?

This is a very important step to take before getting started with your 90-Day Primordial Movement™ Crash Course. Setting a few goals for yourself that you’d like to attain in the near future will help keep you on track when the going gets tough!
First, write a list of 1-3 things that you used to be able to do when you were younger that you’d love to be able to do again.
Next, write down 1-3 new things that you’d like to learn how to do with your body.
Finally, write a list of 1-3 things that your already can do and would like to be able to keep doing for a long time.
Don’t hold back and use your imagination. Also, be as specific as possible. This act of writing your goal out on paper makes them seem more real, more attainable. When you decide what you what to be able to do with your body and put it down on as definite goals, your ideas suddenly become more than just thoughts:
Now you should have a short list of goals—what now? How are you actually going to make these things happen? Some goals are fairly straightforward like “I want to start exercising every day” or “I want to learn three new movements this month” others may be more complex like “I want to be able to do a handstand” or “I want to be able to lose X number of pounds this month.”
For simpler goals, it may be as basic as getting started with activities that support those goals, then sticking to the task until you achieve them. For example in the case of exercising every day, you need to dedicate a time each day to workout. Then you need to stick to the plan not matter what.
However, complex goals will require that you break the goal into benchmark progressions. Handstands are a good example of how you can learn a pretty cool skill by breaking it into various stages of development. In order to do a proper handstand, you will need to engage in exercises that strengthen your wrists, you will need to learn how to position your body into a straight line, you’ll need drills that help you with balance, etc.
As your movement coach, I’ll be doing most of the planning for you. In other words, I’ll be preparing you with the skills you need to master before moving on to more difficult progressions. Also, I’ll give you lots of supplementary exercises that are designed to keep your entire body balanced and healthy throughout the training.
Even though I’ll be doing the planning for you, it is still important for you to set goals that you can be excited about. Goals are projections into the future of what you’d like do and become. The clearer and more specific your goals are, the more they will act like magnets that draw you into that desired state.
Just remember that you will need to change some aspect of what you have been doing in the past in order to make your goals actually happen. To make new things happen in your life, you’ll need to grow into the kind of person that is more in alignment with want you really want.
Now it’s time to prioritize your goals. As I mentioned above, you should have selected at least one goal related to a thing that you used to be able to do when you were younger, one goal of a new skill you’d like to learn, and at least one thing you’re already good at but would like to keep.
Look at your list and decide which one of these physical skills you want to focus on first. Then consider what you want to work on second, third, etc. In this way, you’ll be ordering each of your goals based on order of what seems most important to you right now.

Also, consider the time frame you think it will take to achieve each of your goals. Write down a time frame in which you think you will achieve each goal. If you are unsure, just take your best guess.
Next, start thinking less about what you want and more about who you need to become in order to fulfill your goals. Who is the person that is deserving of those things on your list? What kind of person is able to make those things happen? Record your thoughts next to each of your goals. Remember that the fulfillment of your goals depends on the actions you take and the habits you form in the journey toward them.
What begins as a goal can become a belief that you have in yourself. This belief, in turn, can lead to new behavior. If a behavior is repeated often, it becomes habit. Eventually, habits are integrated into your personal reality. In effect, you habits are your reality.
Now that you have your goals, you’re one step closer to making wonderful things happen! Keep your written goals handy to remind you how far you’ve come in your 90-Day Primordial Movement Crash Course.